Monday, October 29, 2007

David Simon

The quote that caught my attention was the one on the choice of words or slang used in "The Wire."

"Viewers of “The Wire” must master a whole argot, though it can take a while, because the words are never defined, just as they wouldn’t be by real people tossing them around."

This is important because sometime when you tell a story the reader or audience has to get a true feel for what you are talking about, and the best way to achieve this is to let the subject or interviewee give thier own account of a story in their own words, hence the beauty of quotes.

I believe this will definiately help any journalist even in broadcast media, although in those elements some things may need to be explained, the main point is still there.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I read a story entitled Madonna's Live Nation deal isn't about music, but about money. This story talks about Artist Nation, a company who targets big name music celebrities promises to increase the artist's revenue. This company Does not focus on the artist's music but on the artist as a brand.

"No one can begrudge Madonna’s business smarts. She saw this as a way to get even more rich and more famous, if that’s possible."
